
Showing posts from September 18, 2023


SEPARATING MIXTURES BY: PJ MIANA Introduction Understanding and mastering techniques for separating mixtures is not only a fascinating aspect of science but also an essential life skill. In our daily lives, we encounter a multitude of mixtures, from the ingredients in our kitchen to environmental challenges such as pollution and water purification. Learning how to effectively separate mixtures is crucial for solving real-world problems, making informed decisions, and gaining a deeper understanding of the world around us. In this lesson, we will explore various techniques such as picking, winnowing, decantation, the use of magnets, sieving, filtering, and evaporation. These techniques are not only fundamental to scientific inquiry but also find practical applications in industries like agriculture, food processing, environmental science, and more. By grasping these methods, we empower ourselves to tackle complex challenges, conserve resources, and contribute to a cleaner and more sustai