

Multiple Choice Test: Friction and Types of Friction

 Direction: Write the letter and the text of the correct answer

1. What is the force that opposes the motion of objects in contact?

    a. Magnetism 

   b. Gravity 

   c. Friction 

   d. Air pressure


2. Which type of friction occurs when an object is already in motion?

    a. Static friction 

   b. Kinetic friction 

   c. Rolling friction 

   d. Fluid friction


3. What does static friction prevent?

    a. Acceleration 

   b. Sliding motion 

   c. Rolling motion 

   d. Both a and b


4.Why do your shoes provide traction when walking?

    a. Due to air resistance 

   b. Due to magnetic forces 

   c. Due to rolling friction 

   d. Due to static friction


5.Which type of friction occurs when a wheel rolls over a surface?

    a. Kinetic friction 

   b. Static friction 

   c. Rolling friction 

   d. Fluid friction


6. If you push a box on a table, what type of friction initially opposes the motion?

   a. Rolling friction 

   b. Static friction 

   c. Kinetic friction 

   d. Fluid friction


7. How does static friction help when opening a door?

   a. It allows the door to slide smoothly 

   b. It opposes the initial motion of the door 

   c. It reduces the weight of the door 

   d. It makes the door roll


8. When does rolling friction come into play?

    a. Before static friction 

   b. After kinetic friction 

   c. When an object is in motion 

   d. When a wheel rolls over a surface


9.  If you slide a book on a table, which type of friction initially acts on the book?

   a. Kinetic friction 

   b. Static friction 

   c. Rolling friction 

   d. Fluid friction


10. Why do tires grip the road surface when a car is moving?

    a. Due to air resistance 

    b. Due to rolling friction 

    c. Due to static friction 

    d. Due to kinetic friction


11. Consider a scenario where a heavy box is initially at rest. What type of friction is acting on the box before it starts moving?

    a. Fluid friction 

    b. Rolling friction 

    c. Static friction 

    d. Kinetic friction


12. What does fluid friction act on?

   a. Objects in contact 

    b. Objects moving through a fluid 

    c. Stationary objects only 

    d. Objects with magnets


13. If you ride a bike and feel resistance from the air, what type of friction are you experiencing?

   a. Static friction 

    b. Kinetic friction 

    c. Rolling friction 

    d. Fluid friction


14. Why do you not immediately slide off a chair when sitting still?

    a. Due to rolling friction 

    b. Due to fluid friction 

    c. Due to static friction 

    d. Due to kinetic friction


15. Which type of friction occurs when there is no relative motion between two surfaces?

    a. Static friction 

    b. Kinetic friction 

    c. Rolling friction 

    d. Fluid friction


16. If you apply a force to an object and it remains at rest, what type of friction is at play?

   a. Kinetic friction 

    b. Rolling friction 

    c. Static friction 

    d. Fluid friction


17. In the context of friction, what does "traction" refer to?

    a. The force opposing motion 

    b. The force promoting motion 

    c. The force acting on rolling objects 

    d. The force acting on stationary objects


18. If you try to push a stationary car, what type of friction initially prevents it from moving?

   a. Rolling friction 

    b. Kinetic friction 

    c. Static friction 

    d. Fluid friction


19. Consider a scenario where an object is already in motion. What type of friction is acting on the object?

   a. Static friction 

    b. Rolling friction 

    c. Kinetic friction 

    d. Fluid friction


20.  How does the strength of Earth's gravity relate to the force of friction?

    a. They are unrelated forces 

    b. The stronger the gravity, the weaker the friction 

    c. The weaker the gravity, the stronger the friction 

    d. They both act in the same direction


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Answer Key:

1. c. Friction
2. b. Kinetic friction
3. d. Both a and b
4. d. Due to static friction
5. c. Rolling friction
6. b. Static friction
7. b. It opposes the initial motion of the door
8. d. When a wheel rolls over a surface
9. b. Static friction
10. c. Due to static friction
11. c. Static friction
12. b. Objects moving through a fluid
13. d. Fluid friction
14. c. Due to static friction
15. a. Static friction
16. c. Static friction
17. b. The force promoting motion
18. c. Static friction
19. c. Kinetic friction
20. c. The weaker the gravity, the stronger the friction


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